
Saturday, September 21, 2019

Sunshine Blogger Award

Today, I have a tag for you all! Thanks to Brooklyne for nominating me! :)


1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link back to their blog so others can find them. (Thanks, Brooklyne!!!!)
2. List the rules and display an award logo on your blog post.
3. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
4. Nominate 11 new blog to receive the award and notify them by commenting on any of their posts.
5. Ask the nominees 11 new questions.


1. What is one thing you like about your middle name?
I like that it's origin is Hebrew. :)

2. If you could play any instrument without having to learn it, what would you play?
I would probably pick the Oud. Or the Tar. I love the sounds of these instruments!

3. What's your favorite veggie?
Acorn Squash.

4. How much would you have to be payed to go skydiving?
$1? Skydiving actually sounds like fun! :)

5. What is your favorite plant and why?
Desert Rose. Because they are able to withstand all kinds of weather- and their roots are deep and thick. The flowers are gorgeous, too!

6. What was the first thing you woke up thinking today?
I woke up praying...

7. Would you rather go swimming or lay out?
If I'm swimming with my siblings, I really enjoy it! :)

8. What is your favorite song to sing with your best friend?
I enjoy singing with my sisters! :) One of my favorite songs to sing with them is Hallelujah Here Below by Elevation Worship.

9. Can you do a cartwheel?
Nope. I haven't tried for a long time, either. ;)

10. What is your MBTI type?
ESFJ. (Not sure if this is a 100% accurate, but it's pretty close.) ;)

11. Do you keep your room clean or messy?

For anyone who wants to do this tag, go ahead and comment! :)


On a side note, I won a flash fiction contest! Head on over to Brooklyne's blog to read it! :)


  1. Loved reading your answers!!!
    (And congrats again for winning my contest!!) <3

  2. This was so fun!! Hey, my mom's ESFJ! Also!! CONGRATULATIONS on your flash fiction! It was SO good. We always pack shoeboxes and love imagining the kids getting them, so that made it special. <33

    1. That's awesome! :) Thanks so much Kassie!! <3 I love packing shoeboxes!! <3
