Fantasy inspired by the Book of Esther...
Bel-Tygeon, the fallen god-king of Belaal, has bowed to the Infinite and accepted life as a mortal. Now he is desperate to return to his kingdom. Hunted by his enemies, he accepts refuge among the Eosyths, at the bidding of Serena of Clan Darom. But Serena and her family are also Bel-Tygeon's enemies, and he must conceal his true name and royal rank from them--even when he realizes that Serena is the woman he has sought for years. The woman he loves. The woman he longs to proclaim as his queen. Yet she can never be his.
Serena of Clan Darom wants nothing more than to protect her family and save her people, the Eosyths, from their enemies. She cannot afford to fall in love with a madman. A stranger. Yet honor dictates that she must shelter Ty and protect him with her life. Will one act of kindness destroy everything she's worked for and believed?
And how can the unknowable Infinite, worshipped by her lord-father, ever help her in their struggle to survive?
Child of Dust, are you My servant?
Another awesome book by R. J. Larson!
I enjoyed the setting, which was mainly in the rugged mountains where the Eosyths live. The Eosyths are a group of people who live off of the land, stick together, and support each other. Their way of life is simple, but rich in morals and standards.
The characters were awesome! My favorites were little Miyna (she was adorable!) and Ayden. Ayden and Miyna were two of Serena's little siblings.
The Biblical themes were great, and were woven throughout. Throughout the novel you can see the Infinite's hand through it all. This book has some of the story of Esther in it, along with King Nebuchadnezzar, among others.
I would encourage you to read some of R. J. Larson's works. Although they are labeled fantasy, they aren't full of a ton of fantasy. Also, the messages are really good. I'd suggest starting with the Books of the Infinite series. Here are my reviews of the books from that series: Prophet, Judge, King. :) I would recommend the Books of the Infinite series for 13/14+, and I would recommend Exiles (review here) and Queen for 14+!