
Saturday, December 14, 2019


Snowflakes are so beautiful. Have you ever caught some in your hand? Each one is unique and different. They each have their own shape, size, and design.

People are a lot like snowflakes. Each of us is uniquely different. God didn't create us all to be alike one another. He created us all different- unique.
It seems like many people feel the need to "fit in", to be "alike one another." The truth is, we aren't meant to be the same. God created us to be unique and different.

Just like snowflakes, treasure people for who they are- in their own unique way.

"I praise You, for I am awesomely, wonderfully made! Wonderful are Your works--and my soul knows that very well. Psalm 139:14 (TLV)


  1. I never cease to be amazed on how God can make everything so awesome. Thanks for the post Molly Anne! <3

  2. I love this!! How true...God made us to be different. <33
